For Aethra, the Environmental Management is the 3rd pillar of a sustainable development, which focuses on risk prevention, development, effective management processes concerning to the environment, commitment to the continuous improvement and environmental awareness. Aethra is considered by the Minas Gerais state environmental supervisory body - FEAM, as a model company as regards its commitment to the environment. The achievement and maintenance of the obtained certificates, mainly ISO 14001:2004 demonstrates, above all, that Aethra is evolving in accordance with environmental legislation in force and also keeping track of global trends as concerns to sustainable development.
Periodic follow up of the conditional requirements for environmental permits and the impacts generated by our activities.
Noise, vibration and liquid effluents continuous monitoring. Aims to prevent pollution and also includes the management of solid waste. All wastes are previously registered in the system and graded according to the standards and regulations in force. Upon completion of the selective collection the waste is sent to an area called Waste Central. From there, the wastes are sent for final disposal by companies duly licensed. (inserir imagens)