Aethra - Sistemas Automotivos


Emphasized the success of the adopted polices, we highlight the main awards granted to Aethra:

    - Medal "Biggest and Best - Best Company in the Auto Industry", awarded by Revista Exame (1998)

    - Award "Supplier of the Year - Category Machinery and Equipment", issued by Ford Motor Company. (2000)

    - Award "Supplier Volkswagen 2001", awarded by Volkswagen do Brasil (2001)

    - Award "Qualitas - Best Performance in Quality of Axis Tanks", awarded by Fiat Automveis.

    - Appointment "9th Best Company in the Automotive Sector - Sustainable Growth in 2002", the 2003 edition of the newspaper Valor Economico 'Valor 1000'.

    - "Award Super - Supplier Performance, Cost Reduction Program", by Fiat Automveis (8 cerimnia, maio-2003) (8th ceremony May-2003).

    - Award "Autodata - Best of Category Automotive Supplier Services Group", awarded in 2003.

    - "Award Volkswagen Supply Awards - Category Parts For CKD" (2004)

    - "Award Suppliers 2004", awarded by Volkswagen do Brasil.(2004)

    - "Qualitas Award - Honorable Mention to the Rhea Group", awarded by Fiat Automveis. (2004)

    - "Qualitas Award Best Performance in Quality Welded and Stamped Sets", awarded by Fiat Automveis. (2005)

    - "Qualitas Award Best Performance in Social Responsibility - Welded and Stamped Sets", awarded by Fiat Automveis. (2005)

    - Award "Top of Mind Brazil - Aethra: Manufacture of Parts and Accessories for Motor Vehicles", awarded by INBRAP: Instituto Brasileiro de Pesquisa de Opinio Pblica (Brazilian Institute of Public Opinion Research). (2006)

    - Award "Top of Mind Brazil - Rhea Group: Best Company of Investment Club", awarded by INBRAP: Instituto Brasileiro de Pesquisa de Opinio Pblica (Brazilian Institute of Public Opinion Research.(2006)

    - "Qualitas Award - Best Performance in Quality - Welded ans Stamped Sets", awarded by Fiat Automveis. (2006)

    - Award "Ford Q1 - Preferred Quality Status", awarded by the Ford Motor Company. (International Award).

    - "Quality Excellence Performance Award", awarded by Toyota Mercosur.

    - "Qualitas Award - Stamping", awarded by the Fiat Group - Italy (International Award) (2006)

    - Special Recognition "South American 2007 Top Supplier Meeting", awarded by the Ford Motor Company of Brazil. (2007)

    - "New Honda Circle Supplier", by the participation in 2007, awarded by Honda Motor Company.

    - "Fiat Suppliers Forum", gratefulness for the performance in 2007.

    - "Qualitas Awards Stamping" awarded by the Fiat Group Italy (2007)

Aethra also received important recognitions for its basic and specialized education program for their employees, these programs extensive to family members, suppliers and community.

    - Award "Paulo Freire - Education and Work", offered by the Ministry of Culture and Labor in 1998;

    - Award "Education for Quality of Work", offered by the Ministry of Education and Culture in 1998;

    - Award SESI Quality of Work - Sep/2002 participation certificate.

    - 1st place in the SESI Quality of Work 2003" - participation certificate Oct/2003

AETHRA SISTEMAS AUTOMOTIVOS S.A. | Avenida Centauro, 234, Prédio F1 - Jardim Riacho das Pedras - 32.242-000 - Contagem - Minas Gerais - Brasil - TEL.: +55 (31) 3045-9199